Datsun Roadster Store
For many years now, people have sent me info about a Datsun Roadster they were trying to sell. I've finally decided to put up a page for this. In addition, I've put up some manuals, parts catalogs, and a couple models. Please email me at if you want any more information and to make sure I have the item. Right now to keep this simple, I'm just shipping domestic to the United States.
Nissan Motors Datsun 2000 Service Manual
If you want the official manual for your 2000, here it is. Its got the same content as the Clymer manuals listed on this page, but this is the original release. This copy is very good, solid binding, pages. The cover has a spot and some light discoloration from being nearly 45 years old.
$60/$6 shipping
Datsun Roadster Service Manual
The officially authorized 1970's reprint of 2 factory service manuals, one for the 1600 and one for the 2000. Its known for comic Japanese to English translations, but it is fully illustrated and an absolute must have for any Roadster library. This is a solid copy, cover attached, nice binding, clean pages. It has some pretty standard dirt along the fore edge (the outside page edges).
$50/$6 shipping
Datsun Roadster Service Manual
The officially authorized 1970's reprint of 2 factory service manuals, one for the 1600 and one for the 2000. Its known for comic Japanese to English translations, but it is fully illustrated and an absolute must have for any Roadster library. This is a solid copy, nice binding, pretty clean pages. It has some pretty standard dirt along the fore edge (the outside page edges), the top corner spine has a piece of tape, the bottom corner of the cover has about 2 inches that are not attached and could be taped as well (see photo, but overall a solid copy of the manual with all pages still bound.
$40/$6 shipping
Datsun Roadster Parts Catalog - SPL310
This is an official parts catalog for the 1500. They are extremely hard to come by and usually fetch high bids on ebay. This copy is in very good condition minus some cover wear: bottom right corner is a little tattered and top edge has some of the red missing. The rest of the manual is clean, bound nicely, and without water damage.
$50/$6 shipping
Datsun Roadster Reviews - Lot of 35
The lot of Datsun Roadster Reviews is dated primarily 1986-1990. These contain tech articles, history, and ads for parts that wish I had a time machine.
$75/$5 shipping
Datsun Roadster Service Manual
The officially authorized 1970's reprint of 2 factory service manuals, one for the 1600 and one for the 2000. Its known for comic Japanese to English translations, but it is fully illustrated and an absolute must have for any Roadster library. This is the best copy I have right now, nice binding, clean pages, cover solid. It has some pretty standard dirt along the fore edge (the outside page edges).
$50/$6 shipping
Datsun Roadster Service Manual
This is it: the officially authorized 1970's reprint of 2 factory service manuals, one for the 1600 and one for the 2000. Its known for comic Japanese to English translations, but it is fully illustrated and an absolute must have for any Roadster library. This particular copy is in very good condition, no grease, nicely bound with the only excception being the front and back covers have come loose and need to be taped together. The rest of the manual is nicely bound and not coming apart at all.
$40/$6 shipping
Factory Service Manual - 1600
This is the official factory manual for the 1600. The cover has some grime, but the inside is excellent as if someone only opened this once or twice.
$50/$6 shipping
Datsun Roadster Reviews - Lot of 10
The Datsun Roadster Reviews dated 1986-1989. These contain club news, tech articles, history, and prices for parts that are incredibly cheap compared to today. They average 16 pages each.
$30/$5 shipping
Datsun Roadster Reviews - Lot of 5
The Datsun Roadster Reviews dated 1989-1991. These contain club news, tech articles, history, and prices for parts that are incredibly cheap compared to today. They average 16 pages each.
$15/$5 shipping