CAR NO. SRL311- 00060
ENGINE NO. U20- 0 0 2 3 3

Owner: Sidney Raper
Location: Florida

SRL311-00060 was purchased from Craig Halsted during the summer of 2001. The car was undergoing a restoration, which had stalled. The engine (original solex again) was fully rebuilt and new rear quarters were installed during that restoration attempt. When I bought the car, Craig kept some of the items such as the solex carbs, the correct cam cover, the license trim, and most of the gauges. The rest of the car appears very solid. It’s body work will be finished and then it will be treated to the stock silver color with black interior. I have a set of late solex carbs to install on this car. It will be an essentially stock restoration with the intent of making the car a driver rather than a show car.

Sidney Raper (2/28/02)